Latest On Cp

Write now cp is holding the Fall Fair. There are two pins currently. One is at the forest and the other is at the lighthouse. The one at the forest you have to buy with tickets. Its 100 tickets.

– blueberry57


  1. darts noah said

    my friend is socrboy16
    (well he used to be) and i saw on his site that u have a site so im giving you a first comment from a stranger!(i think…lol!) anyways bye!!!

    ~darts noah!!

  2. socrboy16 said

    i have everyhting from the Fall Fair

  3. michael coluccio said

    cc-o represnet!! o and one thing, tell socrboy to relax!!!!!

  4. socrboy16 said

    why is everyone talking about me?! lol! 😀

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